I. Objectives

Our company is proud that in carrying out its activities we provide protection of human health and the environment. We regularly evaluate the impact that our production processes, products, and services have on the environment. Based on these assessments, we formulate our policy in the field of environmental protection in order to, by setting specific goals, reduce, and if possible completely eliminate the harmful effects. This policy sets standards for all departments of the company. Their task is to ensure the protection of the environment by introducing advanced technologies to achieve compliance with the necessary standards and minimize harmful effects on the environment.

Экологическая политика

II. Basic principles and objectives of environmental policy

The environmental policy of the Company is aimed at its safe and sustainable development in the near future and in the long term, which ensures the maximum reduction in negative environmental impact and preservation of natural conditions in the area of business.

Recognizing its social responsibility, the Company, in organizing all its economic activities, seeks to adhere to the following principles:

  • every individual has the right to live in the most favorable environmental conditions;
  • ongoing business activities should not harm the environment;
  • Compliance with all applicable national and international environmental laws and regulations.


The policy objectives are:

  • compliance with legal requirements and other
    environmental requirements applicable to the Company’s activities, including international law;
  • balance of interests of the Company and the Company when using
    natural resources;
  • intolerance to environmental risks;
    systematic reduction of the negative impact of technological 
  • processes on the environment, reduction of environmental risks through the introduction of the best available technologies, achievements of science and technology;
  • maintaining the level of environmental safety in accordance with
    modern international standards and requirements.
  • rational use of natural resources through the introduction of innovative environmental and resource-saving technologies;
  • systematic monitoring of compliance with environmental safety requirements. Analysis of the environmental situation with the adoption of the necessary corrective and preventive measures;
  • improvement of environmental activities and the environmental management system;
  • increasing staff competence in environmental issues;
  • cooperation with government bodies, partners and other interested parties, aimed at developing relations in the field of environmental management and environmental protection;
  • ensuring wide availability of environmental information on the economic activities of the Company, transparency of environmental activities, and decisions made in this area.

III. Implementation and operation

The leading role of the top management of the Company in the implementation of environmental policy and the strict observance of its principles by personnel are decisive factors for the success of its functioning.

The environmental policy of the Company is brought to the attention of all personnel through its documented design, duplication, and provision of all divisions on the basis of an order from the Director-General.

Responsible for bringing the Environmental Policy of the Company based on the order of the General Director are the heads of departments.

Environmental policy obliges all leaders:

  • to be guided in its activities by its provisions, to ensure understanding by all employees of units and practical implementation;
  • analyze the progress of implementation;
  • create conditions for staff development.


Environmental policy obliges personnel:

  • be guided in their activities by the provisions of the Environmental Policy;
  • comply with the requirements of regulatory documents;
  • observe technological discipline.


To implement the Environmental Policy, the Company’s management provides planning of the environmental aspects of the activity, goals, and targets for all employees of the enterprise.

IV. Scope

This policy applies to all departments of the company, and also applies to all consultants, agents, sales representatives, distributors, independent contractors and freelancers working with the company as part of their work for the company.

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